King’s International Fellowship Programme


About Our International Fellowship Program

Our Fellowship Program is a comprehensive and immersive experience that offers fellows the chance to work alongside King’s clinical experts and gain hands-on experience in Orthopaedics sub specialities such as Upper Limb, Foot and ankle, Hip and Knee and General Orthopaedics. This a structured program designed to foster professional growth, cultural exchange, and the development of innovative solutions over a 1-2 year duration. At the end of the programme, the fellow will receive their GMC registration, which provides them with the license to practise in the UK.


Key Features of the Program

  1. Expert Mentorship: Fellows will be guided by a team of distinguished mentors, each an expert in their field with years of experience, providing invaluable insights and support throughout the fellowship.
  2. Advanced Training: The program includes hands on training opportunities, workshops, and seminars that cover the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies. This ensures that our fellows are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their careers. We are recognised by the International Bone Research Association (IBRA) for our training.

Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | IBRA - International Bone Research Association

Upper Limbs Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is one of the UK’s largest and busiest teaching hos...

  1. Work with the National Health Services (NHS): Fellows will have the opportunity to gain exposure to our UK healthcare system, understand pathways and work in the busiest teaching hospitals in the UK.
  2. Networking: This programme provides access to a network of professionals at King’s. Which will provide as a valuable resource for future collaboration, knowledge sharing, and career advancement.


Application Process

We are looking for passionate, driven, and talented individuals who are eager to make a difference. Our selection process is highly competitive and seeks to identify candidates who demonstrate exceptional potential and a commitment to excellence.

Please visit our website for detailed information on eligibility criteria and application requirements. We encourage you to apply early to ensure your application is considered. To apply, please email us on